Sunday, January 16, 2011

Busy as a Bee

Living Homes by Thomas J. Elpel is becoming our favorite literary resource on our current favorite subject: independant, efficient living.

Sam and I have been browsing the Ashland Public Library on thursdays, permitting Sam gets the day off work on our date day, and we enjoy shaking off the cold with a cup and an hour to circulate through the shelves together. We check out old and new movies,(Vertigo and Jezebel...I love that young Better Davis...also, Pricilla, Queen of the Desert... :D ), Sam likes the Spanish section; my spanish improves.

We are getting on fine here at 270 Dead Indian (the "Dead" on the sign has been vandalized). Sam works on preparing the garden for growing, prunes the trees, mulches, cuts the damned bamboo!
I help a bit in and out of the house, plan for improvements and reorganization, plus I've taken on the frightening, the daunting dedication to straighten out that BARN!
The beautiful winter birds sound great as an alarm as we wake up inside the mock-coffin that is called bed in the smaller motorhome.
Sam and my relationship is improved with this move back in with the folks. Sam and dad are developing that great relationship that everyone has developed with dad. Mom admires Sam for his work ethic and for his good manners.
We are trying to get good recycling ethics going round here, as well as a goal for future on site recycling of rainwater and perhaps, in the future, waste and all scrap and most garbage. What a goal!
Sophia's life seems improved too. She's a self-motivated learner, so I am thrilled about kindergarden. We spend more time together as a family. We are preparing meals with Dad. We are learning to be humble.
I just love some of the books we've found on various topics parallel our lifestyle goals...
I'll share a few:

Living Homes by Thomas J. Elpel (well thopught and covers layers of aspects-he really went 100% tide and true by using total ethically green means of publishing)

Green from the Ground Up by David Johnston & Scott Gibson

Independant Builder by Sam Clark

we have found that our quest for living autonomously be